Environmental Issues

As someone who finds great enjoyment in the outdoors and as a retired science teacher, protecting the environment for future generations is very near to my heart. I remember being a little girl and spending every minute I could outside; I would hike through the apple orchard next to our house, climb trees, or play in the creek until my mother had to drag me back inside.

I carried that love of nature with me up through adolescence & my teaching career, where I was lucky enough to teach earth science courses and even a couple environmental science classes for a few years. It’s so inspiring to see children, especially in this digital age we live in, be so excited to learn about the environment. I truly believe that if we educate the generation now, they will be the ones to solve the climate crisis that is upon us. Here’s some links to organizations doing environmental work and information on how to do your part for the environment...

The Sierra Club, one of the best Environmental organizations out there.

The United Nations "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."

A link to the League of Conservation Voters.

Trust for Public Land - an organization devoted to saving & protecting public lands.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency's website.

National Audubon Society: conservation and birding.

The Massachusetts state chapter of the National Audubon society.

A link to the Nature Conservancy, great organization protecting land & water.

Energy efficiency information from the US Department of Energy.

The North American Association for Environmental Education.

Leave No Trace, center for outdoor ethics.

"What is a watershed?" from the How Stuff Works website.

Earth 911's recycling center search page.

Water Conservation tips from the American Water Works Association's "Drink Tap" website.

Link to the awesome folks at the World Wildlife Fund.

Calculate your ecological footprint using this tool from the Global Footprint Network.